Gas is more expensive than ever and people are always hunting for new gas saving tips. If you’d like to save some of the money you spend on gasoline each year, then read the following tips. These are money saving and gas saving tips that will help you find the best deals and keep a few bucks in your pocket when the day is over.
Tip #1 – Get a new car
One of the most effective methods for saving on gas is the long run is by purchasing a new vehicle. If you are already in the market for a new vehicle, then this is the perfect time to start considering gas efficiency. Today’s cars are mad with much tougher standards than before when it comes to gas mileage and consumption. You can even consider purchasing a hybrid car that is partially powered by electricity.
In any case, it’s still important that you review the MPG at the dealership before you purchase any new vehicle. Many of today’s gas efficient vehicles can get 40 or more miles per each gallon of gasoline. You’ll get ever more than that is you are using a hybrid vehicle.
Tip #2 – Bargain shopping
Many people don’t think of bargain shopping when it comes to gasoline. It usually seems that the price you see is the price you get, but that’s not always the case. First of all, there are a lot of competing gas stations and competition means lower prices.
There may be a nearby gas station with incredible prices that you just haven’t seen yet. Luckily, there are some software tools you can use to find the best gas prices in your local area. There are applications on smart phones that will tell you where the nearest gas stations are and where the stations are with the best prices. And don’t even bother with the premium gasoline!
Tip #3 – Maintain Speed
Did you know that driving at higher speeds consumers more gasoline? Use your cruise control setting while on the highway to drive at a constant speed that is near the speed limit. However, if your speed limit is above 65 MPH, then you will notice a decrease in your mileage. Driving under this limit will offer the most efficient gas conversion possible.
Tip #4 Light Loads
If you use your truck or vehicle for carrying loads, then try to keep them as light as possible. The heavier the load, the more work your truck must do, which means the more gasoline it must consume. If you want to save gas, then take some of the junk off the back of the truck and lighten the load.
Since we offer car rental service here in Cebu Trip that does not include gasoline, these gas saving tips might be helpful for your trip in Cebu.
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